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Sister Cecile Clare Vanderlick
Class of 1946

Sister Cecile Clare Vanderlick, known fondly as Sister C.C., led a remarkable life of service, education, and compassion. A graduate of Providence Academy in 1946, she began her teaching career at Providence in 1965 and was transferred to the newly formed Menard Central High School in 1967. Her involvement at Holy Savior Menard continued for almost 40 years as a teacher, President, or Principal. Her leadership and dedication to education, particularly in the field of chemistry, earned her recognition as the Outstanding Chemistry Teacher in Louisiana in 1985.


Her ability to motivate and inspire her students left a lasting impact, marking her as an influential figure in the school's history.


In addition to her contributions to education, Sister C.C. expanded her service to healthcare, becoming a registered nurse in 1979. She worked at Cabrini Hospital for over 17 years, caring for patients on weekends, holidays, and summers while still teaching. Her role in the hospital’s Spiritual Care Department, particularly within the Cancer Care Center, underscored her deep commitment to serving others in their most vulnerable moments.


Sister Cecile Clare Vanderlick passed away in 2016, leaving behind a profound legacy of service and dedication. As a member of the inaugural class of Distinguished Alumni at Holy Savior Menard, her dual vocations as both an educator and a healthcare professional reflect her extraordinary commitment to God and humanity, making her an exemplary role model and a well-deserved recipient of this honor.


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